Hello, I am Alwin. I write this blog to express my passion in finance management. I am graduated from PPM School Management in Magister Manajemen Wijawiyata Manajemen concentrated in finance. Before that I worked for local marketing research agency. What a different major! hehehe. Actually I wanted to explore much knowledge in many area especially finance. My bachelor degree is Mathematics from Universitas Parahyangan Bandung. Different major also, right?
I wanted to know whole management for corporate so I took Magister Manajemen program which is also similar to MBA program. Actually after finished my MM Programme, I had learned so much about a business, core management in corporate and etc.
I named it Finance Brother, because a brother is not a partner or client or consultant but brother is a family that can help and care. So I hope this blog can help and care about the reader's need for finance management. So if you really need help from your bro in finance, please comment and email me for financial case or about finance and I'll try the best for helping you.
So just hope you all enjoy to read my blog! :)
selamat malam bapak. cara menghitung abnormal return bagaimana pak?
ReplyDeletedan cara untuk menghitung alpha dan beta menggunakan excel bagaimana?
pak saya mau tanyak,kan saya meneliti laporan keuangan tahun 2013-2015, untuk mencari return saham tahun 2013 menggunakan laporan keuangan tahun 2012 atau gimana pak?. makasih